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BIOS 591P: Biostatistics Methods II

Course, Emory University, Department of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, 2022

I have been a TA for BIOS 591P since 2020. This is the second statistics course that epidemiology students take at Rollins School of Public Health and covers ANOVA, linear regression, logistic regression, and some survival analysis. Epidemiology students at Rollins have SAS training, but there has been an increased focus on R in recent years. As part of my duties in this class, I have converted the course materials and analysis written in SAS to R code. I also run weekly R recitations for students who want to learn how to use R.

HGC 707: Introduction to Epidemiology/Biostatistics

Course, Emory University, Genetics Counseling Training Program, 2022

This course was a co-instructed course for a cohort of 12 students in the Genetics Counseling masters degree program at Emory University. The course focused on basic concepts of descriptive, analytic, and experimental epidemiology, and biostatistics. Topics covered included study design, variables and distributions, statistical approaches to analysis of epidemiological data, and sources of bias in epidemiological studies.